Cyclist’s Training Bible – Joe Friel

The World's Most Comprehensive Training Guide
The Cyclist's Training Bible is the bestselling and most comprehensive guide for aspiring and experienced cyclists. Joe Friel is the most trusted coach in the world and his proven cycling training program has helped hundreds of thousands find success in the sport. Joe has completely rewritten this new 5th Edition of The Cyclist's Training Bible to incorporate new training principles and help athletes train smarter than ever. The Cyclist's Training Bible equips cyclists of all abilities with every detail they must consider when planning a season, lining up a week of workouts, or preparing for race day. With this all-new edition, Joe will guide you to develop your own personalized cycling training program and: * train with the right intensity and volume * gain maximum fitness from every workout * change your training plan over the course of the season * make up for missed workouts and avoid overtraining * build muscular endurance with a new approach to strength training * improve body composition with smarter nutrition The Cyclist's Training Bible is the world's most trusted guide to cycling training. Get stronger, smarter, and faster with this newest version of the bible of the sport. What's New in this fifth edition of The Cyclist's Training Bible? Coach Joe Friel started writing the fifth edition of The Cyclist's Training Bible with a blank page: the entire book is new. This new edition adds emphasis to personalizing training plans, incorporates new power meter techniques, improves on ways to develop technique, updates the strength training approach, speeds recovery for busy athletes, and cuts through the noisy volume of training data to focus athletes on the numbers that mean the most to better performance.
Pagina's: 344
Uitgever: Velopress
Verschijningsdatum: 04/2018
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